
Showing posts from May, 2011

Don't Drink the Water!! Huh?

Sorry I have been so slack this last few months. In a nutshell, we are back with Apolima in La Paz at anchor, Gary is back in Canada driving truck, I have been enjoying being a recluse on the boat just puttering  around, and grandson Johnathan arrived on the weekend from Calgary Alberta, Canada. I really wanted to do this post because of some of the misinformation he arrived with. First of all, he didn't bring a bank card or any Mexican money. Oops, mistake # 1.  The Baja, at least as far as we have gone which is to Santa Rosellia, has loads of banks and bank machines, including Scotia Bank, and HSB.  No bank down here want to take much cash, and even if they do, you will stand in line forever.  When we first came down we asked the Royal Bank to get us $2000. in Pesos and it took them a few days but we brought it with us. We could have gotten $200, and the rest from bank machines but didn't know then what we know now. I have used a money changer once, but the ext...