Day 2, entering the morass of the internet

Have spent most of the day studying internet marketing, and trying to fine all the "free" stuff out there. Have been most impressed with the "New Rich Report" because it has loads of ideas that I think I can use. Also spent a bunch of time studying "Twitter" and getting set up. Seems to be a slow project for me because I have to learn along the way. But from what I can read and hear it will be possible to make a living by using the internet. Back to studying tomorrow. If anyone comes up with more websites to use, please feel free to send me a comment. Was on a great website this morning with loads of ideas on how to get Twitter up and running and how to use etc. It was under the "Mashable" on Twitter, and there were some great ideas on branding, and getting it to work for you.
Of course after all this hard work I was rewarded by a dip in the beautiful bathtub which is my back yard. WHAT A TOUGH LIFE!!


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