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There days I seem to start off most post with, ......Man, it's hot, and this one is no exception. Summer is here in the Baja, and when the breeze goes away it is HOT and surprisingly muggy these days, so that afternoon swim is really welcome. I go thru about 4 liters of drinking water a day, for the past week, I have measured it, mainly because I goofed and bought what I thought was bleach, turned out to be laundry soap and ended up with a few Tbsp's in the water tank, before I clued in. Ooops. So I have had to haul an extra container just for drinking until I use up all the soapy water. The stuff in the tank is okay for dishes and showers etc. But I wouldn't want to drink it. Need to improve my Spanish!! Am going to cover advertising your business online, because I think it is rather important for newbies to get some idea of where to start when they first decide to try and build a presence online. The first thing I would stress is to join either Earth Friendly Biz, or ...