This is a picture, taken a month before I started on the Shaklee 180.  Another month and I will get another 90 day photo.

Have spent the summer by myself here in the Escondido Area. Gary has been up in Canada, and trucking, you can see how busy I have been.

Unfortunately, I have bunch of stuff to get done before I am ready to head for Canada in Nov. Started to do some sanding so I can oil the teak in the cockpit.  Once I start something, it works on my guilt, looking at it, so then I have to finish the job.

Have to post some menu's in the following weeks.  Have eaten a lot more healthy food, especially more  beans and veggies.  Have been using some of the recipes from the Mediteranean Diet, and I really like them.  Since this is going to be a long term project, probably at least a year, I think I need to change my habits. So I have been swimming at least 1/2 hour to 1 hour a day, and I can definitely feel it in my muscles.  Can't yet do a lot of the weight bearing speed exercises, just too heavy and slow.  As well as changing my diet.  

The Escondido area is one of the best cruising areas in the sea. There are a lot of great anchorages, lots of good snorkelling and they tell me that the diving is terrific.  Since I snorkel not dive I can't attest to that. But watching the terrific variety of fish, of all sizes while I am snorkelling is really exciting.  I do get nervous tho, when a fish that is too large.  I always like my fish small.  You can tell I grew up swimming in a swimming pool.  But I love to watch the pretty colours of the small fish.

Still haven't blown up the kayak, I have been intending to do that, so I have a bit more variety with my daily exercises, and maybe I will get that done this week.  Lots of the boats this year have kayaks and also a long board that you stand up and paddle.  One of the rental places in Loreto just got a bunch of new boards, and 3 of the store people were out practicing.  It was comical to watch, and when they landed in the water, as they all seemed to do a number of times,  I saw that it wasn't quite so easy to get back on the board and get standing up again.  So it will be awhile before I get one of those. But we do have the blow up kayaks which I should get busy learning how to use.


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